Sometime around the month of August 2010, the Lord impressed on my heart to start a church-based ministry. It was a difficult task to accept. I had doubts, fears and a whole lot of misgivings. By the mercies of God, I had had the privilege of working with quite a number of ministries and ministers. I knew the challenges that were always involved. I decided to share with my husband, Dr. Sunday Ochenjele. He told me he knew God had a work for me to do but he wanted the Lord to tell me Himself.

That was indeed a great encouragement. It was one of my strongest confirmations. My husband is not one given to trivialities nor flattery. Armed with that confirmation, I suggested we start with a forty (40) days fast. We began the fast in September and ended in October 2010. The ministry was inaugurated on the 16th October 2010.

Our first service was held in our living room. My husband and children were in the attendance. We had a horn speaker then. Three little children, a boy and two girls came in to join us.

Bro. precious was the first adult to join us. Later, the living room became too small for us. Our car park was converted to a church hall. We were worshipping in the converted car park until November 2014, when we moved to the church permanent site at A.V.M Monday Morgan Street (behind Otukpo Prisons, Otukpo Benue State). -- [Pst.Mrs. Mary Ochenjele]

The vision of the ministry are as follows:
  1. To follow Jesus
  2. To make Heaven
  3. To evangelize
Our emphasis is to raise disciples who follow the Lord Jesus Christ fervently and totally. In order to achieve this, we emphasize on the following:
  • Sound Bible teachings
  • Evangelistic Campaigns outdoor
  • Personal Evangelism
  • Lifestyle of the Spirit
By the mercies of God, the church has three branches. They are:
  1. FLWA Ochobo: led by Pst. Ambrose Odeh
  2. FLWA Oju: led by
  3. FLWA Okete: led by Pst. Joseph Onah.

At various points in time, the ministry has embarked on crusades in the following places:

  • Agatu in Agatu Local Government Area.
  • Asa 1 in Otukpo Local Government Area.
  • Ochobo in Ohimini Local Government Area.
  • Okete in Otukpo Local Government Area.
  • Sabon-Gari in Otukpo Local Government Area.
The ministry has also held free-medical outreaches in the following places:
  • Agatu
  • Oju
  • Ochobo
There are various sub-units (wings) in the church. They include:
  • Noble Men’s fellowship
  • King's Daughters Fellowship (Women)
  • Daughters of Value (Teenagers and young females)
  • Children department
  • Prayer force
  • Evangelism Group
  • Ushering and Protocol
  • Joshua Generation [Youths Fellowship]
  • Living Voices (Choir)